Hypnosis at My House on Friday
This is a plug for the wonders of my magical husband. A clinical psychologist, Bob teaches self-hypnosis in an all-day seminar at our house about every three months. This quarter’s “all-day,” as we call it, is this Friday at our log cabin beside a pond in the woods.
Participants learn to use self-hypnosis for whatever purpose they choose: enhancing creativity, managing pain, improving focus, dealing with emotions, or who-knows-what else. I’ve been to a couple of these one-day classes myself; the day after the first one, I started Revelation, my first published novel.
If you’re going to be anywhere near the Chapel Hill/Jordan Lake area of North Carolina and are interested, call Bob Dick at 919 215-4703 for info. It’s a bold step toward your goal.
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Categories: goals, personal transformation, resources