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Emails to my Therapist

Fairy Encounters and the Courage to See and Speak

About yesterday’s class in Remedial Fairy Viewing: for those who are open to the possibility, it was a class in ordinary practical techniques for attempting something nearly unbelievable.

For anyone who isn’t open to the idea(and you probably did not attend), instructor Megan Mitchell still offered some wisdom. It was a talk about “the expansion of the possible” and learning to pay extraordinary attention.

Techniques for Better Fairy Viewing

Lesson 1: Become aware of which of your senses is dominant and expect the most revealing information (about anything) to come through that window. Mitchell doesn’t see fairies; if she closes her eyes, she doesn’t even visualize the room she’s in. So if she hasn’t taken in what the chairs and floor look like, how could she see something subtle and evanescent? Instead, she hears–and gets translations in her dreams.

Lesson 2: The better vocabulary you develop for the fleeting things you observe, the more detailed your experience will be. We do tend to deny the existence of things that don’t fit; as in, “I didn’t really see that” or “I made that up” or “That could not have happened.”

Lesson 3: Recall the imaginary friend of your childhood–or create one–and tell that friend what you want to see.

Lesson 4: Before going to sleep, ask your dreams to answer a specific question you have about a plant or bush or tree. Expect the answer to be cloaked in surprising symbolism.

*”Natural intelligences want to communicate with you.”
*Leave food offerings in private garden spots. Butter is “wildly popular” with the nature spirit world.

The Courage to Say What You See

Now, about the matter of speaking up: I once wrote a novel (Revelation) about a minister who hears God speaking out loud in English in his back yard in Chapel Hill. Does he rush to tell his congregation? No. He’s embarrassed; he doesn’t believe in this sort of thing. Plus, people will think he’s crazy.

One member of the audience yesterday disclosed that years ago he had started seeing elfin creatures and he was put in a hospital for a couple of weeks. He decided that he would not see them any more, because it was too frightening.

Total disclosure:

*I once saw a floating orb of light above a woman’s head. About the size of a pearl onion and just as real as anything else in the room.
*I once felt a hawthorn tree sending me a warm current of communication, about six or eight inches wide. It went into my chest, looped around, came out and headed back toward the tree.
*I once felt sharp puffs of air against my cheek with no discernible explanation.

That’s my whole catalog. I wish it were larger. As a self-employed novelist, I really don’t risk anything by saying things that some might consider loony.

I’m working on expanding my sense of the possible, so I can take in whatever is now out of my reach. Probably it would help if I ever managed to talk in person about these things without a hint of an eyeroll or sardonic tone.

Seen/felt/heard anything extraordinary lately?

I’ve found lots of stories of seeing fairies online. Hearing about someone else’s experience is one way any of us can expand our ideas of what’s possible.

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Categories: courage, speaking out, supernatural

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