Get Your Message Across
See this yellow-backed vehicle? The owner of this car was seizing an opportunity. Written on the back is a message that says, in essence: okay, while you’re sitting in traffic behind me, why not write this phone number down so you’ll have it when you need it. The number is for a towing company. I thought it was a fine piece of advertising. I felt as if I was being addressed personally.
(Sorry about the worse-even-than-usual quality of the photography: it was one shot with a cell phone on a rainy day while driving a car with a dirty windshield with hand-painted morning glories on the hood and my arm in the way.)
My own car has a license plate that says SISINDIA for my novel Sister India. But that’s really more for fun, for vanity, than anything else.
I’m wondering what other surprising inventive everyday ways there are for a writer/artist/entrepreneur to get his/her message across. Some artists cringe at advertising and self-promotion. Though we vigorously want publishers and galleries to invest heavily in promoting our work. And some madly promote and then pretend to be shy.
To me, to create the work and then decline to help it out into the world is like not taking care of the dog. It’s falling down on the job.
So this past week I started running a wee ad for my critique services for writers. Never did this before. It’s one of those little boxes on the right side of a Google page, the copy below, but with lines around it.
Get Book Feedback
Intensive Report: Novel/ Nonfiction
From NYT Notable Writer
The “NYT Notable” means that Sister India was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. Google Advertising wouldn’t allow me to use the whole name in the ad because of trademark worries or some such.
So far it has appeared 65,937 times (when someone enters a phrase like “feedback on my novel”), been clicked on 11 times, and cost me $9.59. Haven’t heard yet, that I know of, from anyone who clicked it, but we’ll see. It’s kind-a fun, like having a fishing line in the water.
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Categories: self-promotion