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Emails to my Therapist

One Maybe-Stupid Way to Write with Ease

Though I’ve had a lot to say here about holiday prep, the fact is I’ve done what prep I’ve done in about 12 minutes and otherwise have been working like a coal miner on client projects, mainly one very large one.

Saturday I took the first full day off from any writing/editing for quite a while. Sunday I had a little trouble getting cranked up again. And I realized that I’d forgotten what the initial crank-up felt like: a bit of resistance, easily overcome, but still I felt it….Once again a demonstration that touching “the work” every day, if only for a few minutes, can solve one kind of problem (though, I admit, it may cause others. For one thing,it’s the 22nd of December, and I don’t seem to have gotten all my Christmas cards out.)

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Categories: creative courage, procrastination, writing

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