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Emails to my Therapist

Oprah and Her Weight (and mine)

Oprah has been open about her weight for years. Hard not to be when you’re as visible as she is.

But yesterday’s bold admission included the actual number of pounds she now weighs. There’s something about giving the number that takes more courage, I think. It’s not like rescuing children from a burning building, of course; on the other hand, at the level of risk where most of us operate most of the time, I think it’s a gut move.

I wonder if she has ever tried Overeaters Anonymous. Back in my twenties, I found them very helpful. I was a bit underweight and doing binge-then-Tab-and-cabbage. Not real healthy. That was before the days when anybody had heard of an eating disorder outside of a medical book or an occasional story of anorexia. I saw one line in a column in a Cosmo that told me about OA. That was all it took. Just a few meetings and the 12-step system taught me some key pieces of good self-management for the weight-wacky.

Maybe Oprah shaved a few pounds off the number she mentioned. I would find that forgivable.

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Categories: body image, courage, fear, food, strategy

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