Amy Poehler’s Girl Power Adventure
Amy Poehler — the Saturday Night Live star who played Hillary and Katie Couric to Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin — has launched a bold new venture. A web show called Smart Girls at the Party. It features young girls and aims to inspire young girls and is entertaining even if you, like myself, are not a young girl.
Poehler says the show is about “extraordinary individuals who are changing the world by being themselves.”
The opening interview is with a ten-year old writer and “scooter enthusiast” named Cameron. A video clip shows Cameron doing her writing in a tiara.
I have seriously had in mind to get some sparkling headgear to wear while working on my fiction and once put a jewelled crown on my Christmas list of ideas for my husband; he said, “You’ll have to get your own crown.” I hadn’t gotten around to it.
Amy and Cameron are encouraging me to get on with it.
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Categories: creative self-expression