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Emails to my Therapist

A Bold Confession or Observation or Something.

You’ll have to admit, it takes some cheek to say this:

My focus is shifting from accomplishing things to having fun.

I noticed this during my recent 18-day extra life in New York. I did accomplish a few things, both for clients and myself. But I didn’t drive myself crazy over it. And it’s entirely possible that the results were, as a result, better.

But whether they were or not, I feel my devotion to self-discipline fading.

I meant to lose three pounds in all that walking in New York. But did I? No, I ate ice cream at some point on probably every hike. On the morning of my return, I weighed exactly the same amount, to the tenth of a pound as I did the day I left. And didn’t berate myself about it. (I used to have an eating disorder, so this is significant.)

And I didn’t go straight to my office after my overnight bus ride home from Manhattan. In fact, I haven’t been there yet. Instead I’ve been hanging out with Husband Bob and catching up on a few things at home. After all, it’s the weekend. And the Emmies are on tonight.

This hedonism may fade; I’ve seen it happen before. Or it may hang around, and then we’ll just see what happens….

In the meantime, it’s a good thing that on most days I love doing most of my work.

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Categories: boldness, decision-making, eating disorder, extra life, pleasure


  • April 7, 2017 at 4:41 pm Reply

    I just got notice of this as a ping back, whatever that is. I’m bob dick, and I approve this message :).

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