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Bringing Home the Mastiff Puppy

The new puppy arrived at our house yesterday. What does this have to do with bold?

Well, Husband Bob is extremely bold to take on this dog. She–Aura–is a sweet soft, though rather large, mastiff puppy now. She’ll become a 140 pound animal, a Boerboel, bred as a guard dog. Already, at about four months old, she’s over sixty pounds and hyperalert.

Bob likes big, challenging dogs from faraway places. He already has a Kangal dog, Kaya, a Turkish mastiff-type, a strong-willed fellow who outweighs me.

Last night, little Aura met big Kaya for the first time. The puppy rushed up to the big guy. Kaya, on a leash, stayed cool but had a fiercely interested look in his eye. Aura (gutsy puppy) would back off a little but then dash forward again. I think we’re all going to get along fine. In the meantime, it’s quite a household adventure.

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