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Emails to my Therapist

Dealing with Bad Publicity

A fellow I know just got a blast of highly personal, heavily negative national publicity. It’s the kind of scrutiny of a person that borders on inhuman, every aspect of his life touched on.

It must take big-time courage to show up at work, at lunch, at the gym, or wherever, after that kind of exposure. I’m not even going to say who or where the article was, so as not to further spread the stories. The fact that the writer said some good things doesn’t really help a lot; it gives an air of credibility and balance and makes the watching of the man seem more unrelenting.

Unless you’ve sponsored a genocide, or at least committed a crime, I don’t think this kind of treatment is warranted. Some arguable business decisions don’t merit such an attack.

And I am someone who has spent decades as a reporter writing for magazines and newspapers, and who relishes reading the trashiest of gossip publications. So maybe I have a double standard for people I know and like. Or maybe I have a double standard for movie stars and other people. Likely both are true. Even so, this particularly brutal extreme close-up shocks me. I wouldn’t want my own life treated this way. There aren’t many people, if any, who’d look spotless in that kind of light.

Again: the guy is super-bold to keep showing up and making the effort.

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