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Emails to my Therapist

“Fear Less. Live More.”

What caught my attention was an ad for a Lincoln in an old New Yorker. Standing beside the car in the picture was a twentyish woman, radiantly beautiful, an athlete, doing her stretches. Then I noticed her legs: one was metal.

Sarah Reinertsen is the first woman to complete the Hawaii Ironman triathlon with an artificial leg. This race involves 112 miles on a bike, as well as long stretches of swimming and running.

In the sky of that stirring picture was a quote: “Don’t ever give up…Not once. Not ever. My dream is to do extraordinary things every day.”

Sort-a puts any holiday pressures into perspective, doesn’t it? (Of course she may at this moment be totally wrecked over trying to deal with a turkey.)

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Categories: courage, fear, quotes

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