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Grab a Green Kleenex

It’s hard to do the right thing when someone is pressing you to do it. At least I, immaturely, find that so.

So congratulations are due today to two organizations:
1. The world’s largest tissue-maker Kimberly-Clark
2. Environmental organization Greenpeace (as well as other eco-activists)

Kimberly-Clark, after almost five years of urging from Greenpeace, will no longer use wood pulp from Endangered Forests, such as Canada’s Kenogami. And KC is a company that requires a lot of raw materials; they make Depends, Kleenex, Scott paper towels, Huggies, Kotex, and Poise, among other items. Now they’re a giant not only in paper products, but in green paper practices.

So– Yay, Kimberly-Clark! Yay, Greenpeace! Yay, ancient forests!

If it brings tears to your eyes, go buy yourself a case of Kleenex. The right move deserves a reward.

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