Marketing Art
Bold self-expression can be even more satisfying when you’re able to make a living at it: that way you can do it full-time, and get it out into the world.
Jackie Battenfield is an expert on how visual artists can do that. Writers and other artists can learn from her as well; I’ve attended a couple of her classes and found her thinking inspiring and her suggestions specific and useful–and applicable to what I’m doing as a writer.
Now she has a book out: The Artist’s Guide: How to Make a Living Doing What You Love. She knows what she’s writing about. She has been a self-supporting painter for over 20 years, and launched her career visiting Washington galleries with newborn in tow.
You might also have a look at Jackie Battenfield’s art. I particularly like her Water Series.
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Categories: resources, self-employment, self-promotion, visual art