My Bold Bonus Life: 11
Well, I screwed up.
I’m here in New York apartment-sitting, with the simple duties of watering the plants and bringing in the mail. You’d think I could handle that.
But I let one of the plants on the terrace go too long without water. Its prognosis is now iffy.
I’ve sent my confession and apology to Audrey Hepburn (that’s the way I think of the New Yorker who owns this apartment). I didn’t want her to discover the news here first.
I feel bad.
And, as regular readers here may already know, I have a touch of mild-to-medium obsessive-compulsive disorder of the type known as scrupulosity: fear of doing wrong, of accidentally hurting somebody, that sort of thing.
I’ve done the best I can to turn my upset to action to fix the situation as well as possible. I’m trying to ID the plant. Have sent photos of the troubled creature to two NY Botanic Gardens and an extension agent back home in NC. Been to three plant stores this afternoon. No help. At one of them, the guy didn’t know a leaf from a stem. (I should talk!)
In the meantime, I’m hoping that watering and misting and staring at the plant will help.
Again, I’m sorry, Audrey Hepburn and my friends who helped to entrust me with her plants. I’m striving to make it up to you.
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Categories: bold travel, bonus life, New York, obsessive-compulsive disorder, scrupulosity