Refreshing Without Relaxing
This week of teaching regular hours is both a break in my usual routines and a much more regimented new routine. The class day runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with a nice lunch buffet at noon.
Unlike my usual daily arrival at my office, I have to get to the classroom on time, stop for lunch at the assigned time, and then wrap it up at the expected moment. I’m not used to thinking: mustn’t be late, or having the pleasure of the sudden school’s-out feelig when the class ends. Usually I leave my office between 7 and 8 at night and usually I’m in the middle of something; it’s not with a sense of completion that I go.
Also a change, I’m driving to a different location this week, a different set of flowers and stoplights and vistas and traffic bumps.
The brief change even toward stricter routine is refreshing. I’m not one who thinks all change is good, but temporary change can certainly help to clear the haze off the vision. It’s worth getting up the energy to make such changes for ourselves.
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Categories: self-management. creativity