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Emails to my Therapist

Sky-Diving In Without a Laptop

When I got to my office today, I discovered that I’d left home the cord that goes between my laptop and the power strip– called a power supply? or battery pack or something like that. And of course the battery in the machine was out of juice. And I had appointments etc. and no time to get back home.

So, I turned my attention, in my non-appointment time, to doing everything in my office that could be done without my computer. By 6 o’clock I’d finished my taxes and filed receipts going back to October. And paid some bills. I could have put these off a bit longer. But, laptopless, I was forced to face them. Not such a bad thing.

And my desktop, the upper surface of my physical desk is clean, except for a few notes and a Fresca can.

This is the third time I’ve left that cord in the wrong place. And I’ve gotten a lot done every time. So maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. Sort of like getting pushed out of the plane when it’s time to make your first parachute jump. Ordinarily I don’t like that kind of help, but I did do this to myself. So I can’t complain.

(Note: Sky-diving is one thing I declined to do even back in my more reckless years. Parasailing twice around Puerto Vallarta Harbor is as close as I ever want to come. I got the second trip around for free because there was difficulty getting me down, and when I finally skidded in for a landing, I came to a halt lying across a sunbathing gentlemen who had seen me approaching in the last seconds and desperately tried to get out of my way.)

(Note 2: My process in writing novels is very much the same as that used in this post. Start off with a missing cord and wind up in Puerta Vallarta. I like that.)

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