The Facebook 25: A Self-Portrait
On Facebook, which I find baffling, I’ve been “tagged” to tell 25 random facts about myself. (Facebook reminds me of the floor of the NC House of Representatives the first time I went there to cover a story as a reporter: people popping up randomly all over the place in one big room, busily clustering here and there, no main focus of interest.)
The person who tagged me, my dentist, sent her own list of 25 items–one of these being the lengthy list of body parts on which she has had cosmetic work done. Well, I’m not going to go that far, but I’m going to put my list of 25, such as they are, here, which is not exactly private. (Bold, yes?) Here goes:
1. I love celebrity gossip magazines.
2. I like to take shortcuts, through parking lots and over little walls, etc. (on foot,I mean.)
3. Oh why not, here goes: when I was 25, I had my ears “pinned back” because they stuck out even more than those of Prince Charles who is also my age.
4. First thing when I get home at night, I need a crossword puzzle and a coconut popsicle.
5. I lived in Varanasi, India for three months once to do novel research and it felt like an entire separate lifetime tucked into this one.
6. I have twin brothers.
7. I like sorting things.
8. Oldies, swing, and marching bands are my favorite music.
9. I listen better if I’m doodling.
10. I’m sick of self-improvement and may give it up.
11. I still think I’m immortal and permanently healthy, even though I’m 60 years old.
12. I’ve always felt, without evidence, that I’m Irish and Jewish, and have recently learned that the Ireland part, at least, is true.
13. My house and yard are full of things I’ve painted flowers and designs on: morning glories on my car, tall frond-y weeds on the propane gas tank, the eyes of Buddha on the shed, ivy on the hot water heater, etc.
14. Millipedes give me the creeps. Also, power saws.
15. I love public speaking, off-the-cuff.
16. I’m a pro-porn feminist.
17. I like sparkly stuff.
18. If I’ve had previous lives, one was as a rabbi on the Lower East Side involved in the early 20th century labor movement. The other was as a fat sullen blonde French woman, living in a small town.
19. One of my books-in-progress, I’ve been working on on-and-off for 22 years.
20. I’m tres lefty in my politics.
21. Once a week, I get together with a friend and speak bad French for half an hour.
22. I was head junior varsity cheerleader at NHHS in 1963 and decided I wasn’t cut out for management.
23. For a mild and civilized person, I’m uncommonly in touch with my more primitive and murderous side.
24. I’m either a chatty show-off introvert or an extrovert who needs hours alone almost every day.
25. I could talk about myself all day!
How about you? Add your own 25 in the comments. It’s a very interesting exercise. I have just tagged you. That includes you, Julie Tomlin, and Toby Bloomberg, and Richard Krawiec, and Karen Tam. And especially you who are my regular companions here.
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