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Emails to my Therapist

The Hardest Thing on Earth

Here’s a provocative and bracing quote sent by Mamie of Can I Do It?

Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.
Katherine Mansfield

Now, taking this literally, the hardest thing on earth for me would be doing one of several things that I don’t want done.

But the hardest thing that needs doing? That I’m in favor of. I almost always save answering the most complicated email until last — and then maybe waiting a day. And I’d love to stop doing that. So why don’t I? It’s not exactly saber-toothed tigers I’m fighting here.

Bold Bonus Life Tip #2:
An “extra life” could simply be a period of sticking to a resolution. This never occurred to me until now. One could decide to get a personal trainer for three months…or volunteer an afternoon a week for x period … or meet all deadlines early for a set period. Or, what the hell, have red wine and dark chocolate daily for a while. This kind of bonus life could spill over into the regular one, which could (maybe) be a good thing.

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Categories: bonus life, Can I Do It?, experimentation, extra life, Katherine Mansfield, risk

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